Political & Economic Analysis


The goal of Vincent H. L. Michaels is to assess the theoretical soundness of political and economic theories as well as arguments brought forth by leftist ideologies, analyze them for logical fallacies or contradictions and place them in their historical contexts when feasible.

Modern life has progressively gotten much busier and faster, with information multiplying exponentially, often in the form of emotional memes rather than rational arguments. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people to find the necessary time to properly analyze and assess the validity of the various leftist claims.

The author hopes to present analyses in a clear and concise fashion to give the reader points or methods of reasoning that have been ignored or overlooked by the leftist theoreticians.

The author has advanced degrees in sciences, but obviously cannot be an expert at everything. The reader is therefore encouraged to review the referred material and make his/her own decisions as to the value of what is being said.  

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